At heart, I am (& believe i always will be) a Printmaker. No matter what medium i work with, whether it be graphite or gouache, i will always build my work in layers and proofs. I may not make a single literal print, but the way i create my work, and arrive at a final piece follows the basic context of printmaking. However, because i don't actually produce a lot of "prints" lately, I find my work goes far beyond the final work i choose to present. This thought has lead to here, right now! I'm going to start showing my process of how i arrive at the final piece. In my printmaking i will often end up destroying my plate or other matrix in order to get everything I can from it, but not before creating many prints through-out that process; holding onto those i believe were a success. Now, within my illustrations and paintings, I find myself holding back for fear of knowing i will end up destroying the piece if i continue forward, with nothing to present from earlier stages. I often stop before the piece is complete. Hopefully through continued documentation, I will be able to find my art within my current work, maybe the documentation is the art!
with love